
A rich category

You are pleased to discover on the page “About” of the menu, all the information on:

  • The story of ADIPSYS: how did this start-up was created? How long has this company existed, etc. In addition, discover how many people are using our solutions every day in their business, in which countries we deploy our solutions, the quantity of ADIPSYS solutions deployed and the number of clients.
  • The ADIPSYS team: how much are we? Who works for ADIPSYS? Thanks to this page, you will be able to contact the right person to solve your problem or meet a specific need.
  • Our references: who use our solutions every day? We work in BtoBtoC so, in this category, we present you the clients of our clients. It’s actually the users of our solutions.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: a question? Read our FAQ and if you do not find the answer to your question, we invite you to contact us.
  • Videos: Watch the video presentation of our solutions or a video shot at the Mobile World Congress.

100% transparent with you from the beginning

At ADIPSYS, transparency is definitely one of our most important values. We thought it was actually natural for you to know more about our company before talking about our products. Thanks to this page About, ADIPSYS will then have no more secrets for you.