The sales industry includes all stores (ready-to-wear, DIY, food, etc.) likely to offer a Wi-Fi connection to their customers. Discover, in a non-exhaustive way, how the ADIPSYS solutions answer the specific needs of the stores, its benefits as well as examples of applications.
- Stand out from your competitors in the sales sector by modernizing its brand image
- Develop a better in-store customer experience
- Have a qualitative and quantitative knowledge of the customer journey in store in order to analyze and predict it
- Deploy highly targeted communication campaigns to influence the consumer’s journey in-store
- Attract new shoppers and reward loyal customers
- Probe your customers about their experience in store
- Ensure legal compliance: Hadopi law, anti-terrorist decree, GDPR law
- Being able to respond to judicial authorities by providing legal logs thanks to our Logview option.
- With DNS Protect, protect your buyers from inappropriate contents that could tarnish the image and reputation of your store
- Get analytics about your physical shop like the one your get about your online shop
- Improve the financial viability of your shop
- Optimize the distribution of your your sales force in your shop based on visitor flow
- Increase the time spent on your shop and increase the attractiveness of the brand
- Thanks to Hotspot Manager, have at your disposal an exploitable database for the implementation of a drive-to-store strategy based on “moment marketing” (send the right offers at the right time in the right place to the right customers)
- Acquisition of a better customer knowledge allowing you to deploy offers customized to their needs
- Increase your customer engagement and conversion rate with a highly targeted communication

- Identify your loyal customers with the recognition of their to Wi-Fi networks and reward them with promotional coupons
- The customer orders unavailable product online, and obtains detailed information about a product in store by scanning a QR code
- Customers downloads the brand’s application to enrich their shopping experience
- Stream a video thanks to Studio before and/or after the login portal to promote the new collection
- Send a promotional email to your customers relating to their points of interest
- In store, send a promotional SMS on a product to attract the customer to a specific aera of the store.
- After visiting the shop, send a promotional emailing on products related to those bought by the customer (up-selling, cross-selling)
- Reduce waiting times at the checkout by analyzing the number and duration of connections in the queue
Did you know ?
We give you the opportunity to test Hotspot Manager for free for several weeks so that you can see all the benefits. To do this, simply click on Free trial