Smart cities include all cities and municipal institutions (town hall, library, theater, swimming pool, gym, etc.) likely to offer Wi-Fi to their citizens. Discover, in a non-exhaustive way, how ADIPSYS solutions meet the specific needs of cities, what benefits are derived from them as well as examples of applications.
- Bring your community into the digital age
- Develop a close relationship with your fellow citizens by communicating with them thanks to the Studio tool
- Manage all your Wi-Fi access in a simple and centralized way with Hotspot Manager
- Provide broadband access for your entire city
- Thanks to Logview and DNS Protect, ensure legal compliance: Hadopi law, anti-terrorist decree, RGPD law
- Improve the image of your city and make it an attractive Smart City
- Strengthen communication with your citizens
- Develop the knowledge of your fellow citizens (movements, most visited places)
- Protect confidential data through the reliable and secure Wi-Fi connection portal

- The connection portal can offer a survey of satisfaction to your fellow citizens
- Communicate on offered jobs’ and services’ offers via the login portal
- In the library, people can check online the availability of books and book them
- In a museum, visitors can install a dedicated application, working as an audio-guide
- At the station, analyze the number and the duration of Wi-Fi connections to forecast the development of additional public transports’ services
- Send promotional coupons to former customers, for a play that will take place soon
Did you know ?
We give you the opportunity to test Hotspot Manager for free for several weeks so that you can see all the benefits. To do this, simply click on Free Trial.